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Pressing the Home button (or the gamepad button set to Main Menu) will open a menu panel on the right side of the screen. From the main menu displayed within, players may perform a variety of tasks, such as equipping gear or adjusting configuration settings. Also displayed within this panel is the Interactions menu, which appears only under certain conditions when a player may interact with an object or another player in the game world.
Main Menu
Below is a list of the options contained within the main menu and their related functions.

Option Function
Attributes View character information and statistics such as:
Title settings and display
General attributes (HP, MP, TP, strength, etc.)
Race, clan, gender, nameday, starting city and guardian deity
Classes and Levels (current class’s level is displayed in green)
Key items currently in possession
Grand Company rank and company seal totals
Timers for guildleve reissuing, behests, instanced raids
Gear Equip gear
Actions & Traits Set actions, traits, and abilities for use
Point Allotment Distribute bonus points to enhance your attributes
Inventory View or discard items in your possession
View or distribute items in your loot list
View details of crystals and gil in your possession
Manage settings for bazaars and seeking repairs
Journal View levequest details
View important details and synopses of ongoing quests
View completed quests
Achievements View achievements and achievement progress
Search Search for other PCs based on specified conditions
Party Search for a party seeking members
Search for or oust party members (leaders only)
View a list of current party members
Disband party (leaders only)
Social Lists Manage Friendlist and Blacklist settings
Linkshell View a list of active linkshell members
* A current linkshell is one for which the /linkshell chat mode is enabled
Change your active linkshell
View a list of linkshells to which you belong
Retire from a linkshell to which you belong
Invite a player to join your linkshell (masters and leaders only)
Manage linkshell leader privileges (masters only)
Retainer List View profiles of employed retainers
Map View the current map
Toggle between maps of previously visited areas
NPC Linkpearls Receive linkpearl messages from NPCs while on quests
Teleport Instantly travel to any previously attuned aetheryte
Return Instantly travel to the aertheryte set as your home point
Support Desk View the Support Desk window
Configuration Manage various game settings, such as audio, video, text, and macros
Exit Game Either of the following two options can be selected to exit game:
Log out and close the game
Return to the character selection screen
Interaction Menu
Under certain conditions or in certain locations, options will appear in the interaction menu above the main menu. When an interaction command is available, icons will be displayed in the upper portion of the micro menu, or micro menu icons will be change to indicate that they are now selectable. Interaction menu commands are displayed only when their specific conditions are fulfilled.
Please refer to The Game Screen for more details on the micro menu.

Icon Condition Interaction Menu Option Effect
Near an aetheryte Aetheryte Recover HP and MP
Select or initiate a levequest
Instantly travel to an attuned aetherial gate
Receive your Guardian’s Aspect
View faction standings
View the Call of Adventure for tips
Near an aetherial gate Aetherial Gate Recover HP and MP
Select or initiate a levequest
Instantly travel to the associated aetheryte
Receive your Guardian’s Aspect
View faction standings
Near an aetherial node Aetherial Node Instantly travel to the aetheryte from which a levequest was initiated
Receive a levequest reward
Near a door Door Open and enter the door
Near an elevator [Elevator Name] Use the elevator
Near a summoning bell Summon Retainer Call forth a retainer
Entering a market
Receiving loot after battle Loot View your loot list
Near a sitting location (such as a bench or chair) Sit Sit on the bench or chair
Sitting Stand *5 Stand up from a sitting position
Seated using the sit text command
Incoming party invite from another player Party Invite Invite the other player to join your party
Incoming teleport from a nearby party member Teleport Offer Select whether or not to accept another party member’s teleport
Incoming trade from another player Trade Offer Request to exchange items or gil
Incoming raise from another player Revive Offer Accept revival from a KO’d status
Incoming linkshell invite from another player Linkshell Invite Accept to join a linkshell
During a tutorial or quest Help text, etc. Execute various actions
*1 Changing to a Disciple of the Hand class *3 Synthesize Being crafting
Changing to a Disciple of the Land class *4 Mine or Quarry Begin mining or quarrying
Log or Harvest Begin logging or harvesting
Fish or Spearfish Begin fishing or spearfishing
*2 Targeting another player Check View the gear, title, and Grand Company rank of the targeted player
Bazaar View the bazaar of the targeted player
Repair Open an interface to repair items for which the targeted player has an open request
Trade Request to exchange items or gil with the targeted player
Invite to Party Invite the targeted player to join a party
Invite to Linkshell *6 Invite the targeted player to join your active linkshell
Receiving loot after battle Loot View your loot list
*1. Your current class icon is displayed on the extreme left of the micro menu.
*2. Icons in the micro menu will become selectable. Please see The Game Screen for more details.
*3. Disciple of the Hand classes are carpenter, blacksmith, armorer, leatherworker, weaver, alchemist, and culinarian.
*4. Disciple of the Land classes are miner, botanist, and fisher.
*5. Simply moving your character without using the interaction menu option will also cause your character to stand.
*6. This command is only available to linkshell masters and leaders.