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Within each area of Eorzea is a formation of crystallized aether known as aetheryte. Due to its magical properties, aetheryte has become an indispensable tool for adventurers on their travels, who flock to the camps that have sprung up around each aetheryte. In addition to these aetheryte camps, there are also aetherial gates and aetherial nodes, which share some of the same powers of aetheryte.

Aetheryte Crystals
An aetheryte plaza can be found within each of the three city-states, as well as at camps found in each area of Eorzea. Attuning to these aetheryte allows players to use them as travel destinations for the Teleport and Return commands. They may also be accessed to initiate levequests. Approaching an aetheryte will cause an icon to appear in the upper portion of the screen. This icon denotes that one or more aetheryte-dependent commands can now be accessed via the Interactions menu. Selecting Aetheryte from this menu (or targeting the aetheryte and pressing the Enter key or Accept button), for example, will restore a player’s HP and MP.

Visiting an aetheryte for the first time and selecting the Aetheryte option that appears in the Interactions menu will attune a player to that aetheryte. In addition, each aetheryte has associated aetherial gates. After attuning to these gates, a player may then access the “parent” aetheryte to warp to them directly.
Aetheryte are also interacted with to view The Call of Adventure, a tome of knowledge containing indispensable information for any adventurer.
Aetheryte may be accessed to restore HP and MP only once every ten minutes (Earth time).
Aetheryte cannot be used to restore HP and MP while in battle (while an enemy has enmity towards you).
Aetherial Gates
Aetherial gates are those crystals of aether found in the wild, far from the safety of cities and camps. Approaching one will cause the Aetherial Gate option to appear in the Interactions menu. Selecting this option (or targeting the aetherial gate and pressing the Enter key or Accept button) will fully restore a player’s HP and MP, and display a set of possible commands.
Aetherial gates may also be used to teleport to the nearest aetheryte, with which they share a magical bond.
Aetherial gates may be accessed to restore HP and MP only once every thirty minutes (Earth time).
Aetherial Nodes
When the objectives of a levequest are fulfilled, an aetherial node will materialize. By approaching it and selecting the Aetherial Node option that appears in the Interactions menu (or by targeting the aetherial node and pressing the Enter key or Accept button), a player may warp back to the aetheryte where the completed levequest was initiated.
Aetherial nodes dematerialize after a short period of time, regardless of whether they have been used or not.
Aetherial Transport
The Return and Teleport options accessible from the main menu allow instantaneous travel to Eorzea’s various aetheryte camps and gates.
If you attempt to Return or Teleport while engaged in battle, a timer gauge will appear indicating the amount of time remaining before the command is carried out. You can click the Cancel button to stop the process. Please note that the command will be automatically cancelled if you are attacked during this time.

Selecting the Return option from the main menu will transport a player to the aetheryte or aetherial gate that was last accessed via the Interactions menu. Initiating a levequest via aetheryte, for example, will automatically establish that aetheryte as a player’s return destination, or home point. Using Return during a regional levequest or a behest will teleport a player to the aetheryte from which that duty was initiated. Using Return during an instanced raid will teleport the player to the raid entrance, but only for the duration of the raid. Once Return has been used, players will have to wait a set period of time before being able to access it again. A timer displaying this information can be viewed in the main menu.
Using the Return command to revive from being KO’d can be done at any time, regardless of current Return timer status.
The Return command does not consume anima.

The Teleport option on the main menu allows players to instantly travel to an attuned aetheryte of their choosing. Should the player executing the command be in a party, all nearby party members will also be transported to the selected aetheryte.
The amount of anima consumed by using the Teleport command varies based on the aetheryte chosen and the player’s distance from it.
If another party member uses the Teleport command, a Teleport Offer option will appear in the Interactions menu, with the destination aetheryte appearing in the micro menu. Selecting this will display a prompt allowing the player to accept or refuse the offer. Accepting such offers is an excellent way for players to travel to new aetheryte camps and attune to the crystals there. For a fee, players can also register up to three aetheryte camps as favored locations. Teleportation to favored locations will require less anima than normal.
Anima regenerates over time, up to a maximum of 100.

Behests are duties made available during limited periods of time. They typically charge the player with the task of defeating one or more enemies that spawn near certain aetheryte and aetherial gates, and offer rewards in the form of gil and experience points. The procedure required for undertaking a behest is outlined below.

1. An NPC known as a battlewarden will appear at an aetheryte or aetherial gate when a behest becomes available. Speak to a battlewarden to begin the behest registration process.
Speak to a battlewarden a second time to cancel a behest.
2. When the time comes for the behest to start, the name of the target monster will be displayed on-screen. In addition, further hints will appear on both the world map and minimap, in the same manner as when on a regional levequest. Venture out and put down the enemy!
3. Once the behest objectives have been fulfilled, return and speak to the battlewarden to receive the promised reward.
Up to eight players may take part in any given behest issued by a battlewarden.
The display name of an enemy already engaged by another player or party is displayed in pink, and cannot be attacked. Players intending to engage enemies as a party must do so after the party is formed.