The Grand Companies of Eorzea are military organizations formed and operated by the city-states. Upon enlisting with a Grand Company, adventurers will become eligible to undertake a range of missions. Completing these missions will earn you rich rewards, the nature of which will vary based on mission difficulty and your contribution to the organization.
There exist three Grand Companies: the Maelstrom, which sails out of Limsa Lominsa; the Order of the Twin Adder, which makes its nest in the Twelveswood; and the Immortal Flames, which burns in the heart of Ul'dah. To enlist with a Grand Company, first make your way to its headquarters, which can be accessed from the host city-state's market area entrance. Once inside, speak with the recruitment NPC and you will be issued a quest, the completion of which will earn you induction into the organization as a recruit.
* | Can also be accessed from the market areas of each city-state. |
Upon joining a Grand Company, you will be awarded the initial rank of recruit. As recruits are not yet bound to an organization, adventurers are encouraged to use this opportunity to discover the company with which they most closely identify, as well as earn all three types of company seals on offer by completing missions.
To be inducted into a Grand Company as a recruit, you must accept one of following quests with a minimum of one Discipline of War or Magic class at level 22 or higher.
- | The Maelstrom: After completing “The Price of Integrity,” accept “Testing the Waters.” |
- | The Order of the Twin Adder: After completing “Breaking the Seals,” accept “Why Did It Have to Be Snakes.” |
- | The Immortal Flames: After completing “Career Opportunities,” accept “Kindling a Flame.” |
After joining a Grand Company as a recruit and showing your dedication through the completion of missions, you will finally be recommended for official enlistment. Through this promotion, you will be awarded a rank in your Grand Company and given a more diverse selection of missions to choose from. Once you have enlisted, you will also be able to use your Grand Company’s salute text command /gcsalute. There are, however, the following restrictions, so you should be careful in deciding to which Grand Company to pledge your allegiance.
- | You can only pledge allegiance to a single Grand Company. |
- | Once you have pledged allegiance, all ties with the other Grand Companies will be cut. |
- | Once you have pledged allegiance, you will be unable to cut ties with the Grand Company you selected or join any of the other Grand Companies. |
In order to officially enlist in a Grand Company, you will need to be a Disciple of War or Disciple of Magic at level 25 or higher and will need to have completed The Maelstrom’s mission “An Officer and a Wise Man,” The Order of the Twin Adder’s mission “Their Finest Hour,” and The Immortal Flames’ mission “Burning Man.” You will then need to accept one of the following missions:
- | The Maelstrom: “Till Sea Swallows All” |
- | The Order of the Twin Adder: “Serenity, Purity, Sanctity” |
- | The Immortal Flames: “By Fire Reborn” |
* | Even after you have pledged allegiance to a Grand Company, you will still be able to complete missions you have already accepted from other companies. You will, however, be unable to take on any new missions. |
* | From the moment you pledge allegiance to a single Grand Company, you will no longer be able to use seals received from any other Grand Company. |
Official enlistment in any of the Grand Companies will immediately confer upon a player the rank of Private Third Class. From this point, further progression through the ranks requires you to amass company seals as a show of devotion to your Grand Company’s cause. Higher ranks allow you to carry more company seals, and unlock more duties for you to undertake.
Grand Company ranks are ordered in groups called commissions, such as those of Enlistee and Petty Officer. To raise your commission, you will have to not only pay dues in the form of company seals, but also complete certain duties.
The following NPCs are responsible for carrying out promotions in both rank and commission for their respective Grand Companies:
- | The Maelstrom (Limsa Lominsa): First Storm Lieutenant Guincum |
- | The Order of the Twin Adder (Gridania): First Serpent Lieutenant Fulke |
- | The Immortal Flames (Ul’dah): First Flame Lieutenant Aubrey |
Rank Designations and Requirements:
Commission |
The Maelstrom |
The Order of the Twin Adder |
The Immortal Flames |
Requirements |
Enlistee |
Storm Private Third Class |
Serpent Private Third Class |
Flame Private Third Class |
Official enlistment |
Storm Private Second Class |
Serpent Private Second Class |
Flame Private Second Class |
1,000 company seals |
Storm Private First Class |
Serpent Private First Class |
Flame Private First Class |
1,500 company seals |
Storm Corporal |
Serpent Corporal |
Flame Corporal |
2,000 company seals |
Petty Officer |
Storm Sergeant Third Class |
Serpent Sergeant Third Class |
Flame Sergeant Third Class |
Completion of the duties below and 2,500 company seals |
Storm Sergeant Second Class |
Serpent Sergeant Second Class |
Flame Sergeant Second Class |
3,000 company seals |
Storm Sergeant First Class |
Serpent Sergeant First Class |
Flame Sergeant First Class |
3,500 company seals |
Chief Storm Sergeant |
Chief Serpent Sergeant |
Chief Flame Sergeant |
4,000 company seals |
Officer |
Second Storm Lieutenant |
Second Serpent Lieutenant |
Second Flame Lieutenant |
Completion of the duties below and 25,000 company seals |
Duties Required for Commission Advancement:
The Maelstrom |
The Order of the Twin Adder |
The Immortal Flames |
Enlistee → Petty Officer |
The Weakest Link |
You Don’t Have the Rite |
Gore a Lizard, Hurry |
Petty Officer → Officer |
United We Stand (Limsa Lominsa) |
United We Stand (Gridania) |
United We Stand (Ul’dah) |
Patrol, Interrupted |
Cure for the Common Pox |
Mess with the Goat, Get the Horns |
Completing a mission will earn you an amount in Grand Company Seals commensurate with the difficulty of your assigned task. Each organization issues its own unique type of seal, which serves as a currency of sorts and can be used to redeem myriad useful items.

Grand Company Seals are honored only by the organization of issuance. Adventurers may check the amount of seals in their possession by selecting
Attributes in the main menu, and then clicking the
Grand Companies tab.
* | Selecting Inventory in the main menu and then clicking the Currency tab will also allow adventurers to check the amount of seals in their possession. |
Missions offered to a company’s full-fledged members are quite extensive compared to those available to recruits, and will even differ according to one’s rank. Adventurers can learn which missions they can undertake by speaking to an NPC at their Grand Company’s headquarters.

- | The Maelstrom (Limsa Lominsa) |
Bharbennsyn (Left) |
- | The Order of the Twin Adder (Gridania) |
Sondraix (Center) |
- | The Immortal Flames (Ul’dah) |
Lannis (Right) |
Instanced raids are party-based battle content wherein multiple adventurers cooperate to achieve a common goal. Each area has a minimum party member requirement, and, upon gaining entry, adventurers will be subjected to a time limit within which they must complete their mission. The remaining time is displayed at the upper left hand corner of the screen.
Players can accept a certain instanced raid quest from only one company at any given time.
If all party members are KO’d, the mission will be deemed a failure, and your group will be automatically ejected from the area.
Regardless of whether you complete or fail a mission, a set period time must elapse before you are permitted to re-enter an instanced raid. It is possible to check the time remaining before you are permitted re-entry into an instanced raid by navigating to main menu »
Attributes »

Caravans hauling materials borne on the backs of chocobos support the bustling economies of the city-states. Safely escorting these caravans is one of the Grand Companies’ most important duties.
Grand Company NPCs found near aetheryte at the locations listed below periodically recruit adventurers for caravan escort duty. Speak to an NPC recruiter to participate and then head over to the caravan. A maximum of four adventurers can participate in a single escort.
Once the caravan leaves, enemies will target the cargo. You will need to protect the caravan from ravenous enemies while issuing appropriate commands to the chocobos in order to arrive at the destination before time runs out.
Escort objectives are completed upon arriving at the caravan’s destination. Speak to the caravan NPC to collect your reward. Rewards will vary depending on the amount of cargo safely delivered. After receiving your reward, you may then have the caravan NPC teleport you back to the Grand Company NPC from whom you undertook the escort.
Speak to either the Grand Company NPC or caravan NPC to abandon an active escort duty.
* | Recruits cannot undertake caravan escort duty. |
* | Vanquishing large numbers of enemies while on duty may result in rewards and bonuses upon duty completion. |
The Maelstrom |
Camp Bloodshore / Eastern La Noscea (36, 20) |
Friont |
Camp Skull Valley / Western La Noscea (15,18) |
Sergeant Sergeant First Class Larille |
The Order of the Twin Adders |
Camp Tranquil / South Shroud (38, 49) |
Marquaile |
Treespeak / North Shroud (22,16) |
Serpent Sergeant First Class Brenaile |
The Immortal Flames |
Camp Horizon / Western Thanalan (13, 29) |
Mourelz |
Camp Drybone / Eastern Thanalan (39,25) |
Flame Sergeant First Class Hanette |
* | Ordinarily, adventurers cannot accept caravan escort duty from other Grand Companies. By completing any of the Don't Hate the Messenger quests, however, you will be able to undertake caravan escort duty for Grand Companies other than your own. |
* | Players will always be rewarded in seals from their own Grand Company. |
Levequests undertaken by the Grand Companies are known as “Company Levequests.”A company levequest begins the moment it has been accepted and will need to be completed within its time limit. To undertake a company levequest, you will need to speak to one of the following Grand Company NPCs dispatched throughout Eorzea while carrying at least one leve allowance.
For details on guildleves and leve allowances, refer to
* | Company levequests can only be challenged by the adventurer who accepted the levequest. Adventurers cannot perform leve linking or leve sharing. |
* | Recruits cannot accept company levequests. |
* | Company leves can be accepted regardless of how many guildleves are in one’s possession. |
The Maelstrom |
Hammil |
Cassiopeia Hollow (7, 5) |
Sternn |
Western La Noscea (6, 16) near Camp Bald Knoll |
The Order of the Twin Adder |
Cordwyk |
The Mun-Tuy Cellars (7, 6) |
Lodall |
North Shroud (22, 16) near Treespeak |
The Immortal Flames |
Byrne |
Nanawa Mines (6, 6) |
Dalvag |
Eastern Thanalan (42, 28) near Halatali |
* | Adventurers cannot accept company levequests from other Grand Companies. |
Provisioning, Supply, and Expeditionary Missions
Provisioning and supply missions utilize the skills of the Disciples of the Hand and Disciples of the Land, providing materials that are in short supply. Expeditionary missions involve the procurement of items at specified destinations. Adventurers can learn about provisioning and supply missions by speaking to the NPC behind the counter at their Grand Company’s headquarters. By delivering items as instructed by the NPC, players can earn a reward in company seals.

- | The Maelstrom (Limsa Lominsa) |
P'nazqha Taqa (Left) |
- | The Order of the Twin Adder (Gridania) |
Helbmoensyn (Center) |
- | The Immortal Flames (Ul’dah) |
Bomptond (Right) |
* | Provisioning, supply, or expeditionary missions are not available to recruits. |
* | Each Grand Company has a maximum number of supplies that can be delivered. Once this number has been reached, new kinds of supplies may be added for delivery. |
Skirmish refers to military combat exercises that are the product of a collaborative effort on the part of the three Grand Companies. The exercises are held for parties of adventurers on either Locke’s Lie or Turtleback Island, both of which are uninhabited islands within Limsa Lominsan territory.
The conditions for participating in Skirmish are as follows.
Start Location |
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (5,7) |
Storm Captain Loetahlsyn |
Class/Level |
Disciples of War or Magic Lv. 45 and above |
Party Size |
Parties of 4 or more members. All party members must be enlisted in one of the three Grand Companies. |
Time Limit |
30 minutes |
Wait for Reentry (after clearing) |
15 minutes |
Wait for Reentry (after failure) |
5 minutes |
* | Only the party leader may initiate a Skirmish battle. |
* | Skirmish battles are lost when all party members are defeated, at which point you will be removed from the Skirmish area. |
* | Regardless of victory or defeat in Skirmish, players must wait for a fixed period of time before beginning another Skirmish battle. The amount of time remaining before reentry is possible can be viewed on the Timers tab found under main menu » Attributes. |
Players can exchange company seals for items and key items. Certain items require that the player has attained a certain rank. The NPCs below handle all matters pertaining to company seals.

- | The Maelstrom (Limsa Lominsa) |
Storm Sergeant First Class Grizzly Gnat |
- | The Order of the Twin Adder (Gridania) |
Serpent Sergeant First Class Haurtelle |
- | The Immortal Flames (Ul’dah) |
Flame Sergeant First Class Rahz |
Fully enlisted members of a Grand Company may acquire a personal chocobo in exchange for company seals. Personal chocobos differ from rental chocobos in the following ways:
- | They can be summoned at any location. |
- | They move more swiftly. |
- | They can be ridden indefinitely. |
- | They can be equipped with gear. |
chocobo whistle key item will enable you to summon your personal chocobo whenever you wish. The whistle can be obtained in the following manner:
1. | Become fully enlisted in a Grand Company. |
2. | Talk to the NPC in charge at the headquarters of the Grand Company and exchange company seals for a chocobo issuance. |
3. | Talk to the NPC in charge of the chocobo stables in the same city to obtain the chocobo whistle. |
Using the Aetherial Transportation Networks
You can trade company seals to acquire an aetherpass, a key item which grants access to the aetherial transporation network in the city of issuance.
Officially, aetherpasses for each city are only available to authorized personnel inducted into the Grand Companies based in that city. However, there are rumors that aetherpasses are available on the black market. If you can find the right merchant with aetherpasses to sell, it may be possible to use the aetherial transporation network of a city besides that of your own Grand Company.
Sanction is a form of enhancing magic that temporarily bestows bonuses on certain gear.
Players of chief sergeant rank or higher can receive sanction status by speaking with the arcane engineer NPCs found in the offices of the Grand Companies. Sanction status has a duration of 3 hours (real time). If a player is KO’d, however, they will lose all sanction benefits.
To activate the effects of sanction, you must equip gear that provides sanction bonuses. This gear can be obtained in exchange for company seals.

- | Maelstrom Command (Limsa Lominsa) |
Storm Private Klinmoersyn (Pictured Left) |
- | Adders' Nest (Gridania) |
Serpent Private Ganathain (Pictured Middle) |
- | Hall of Flames (Ul’dah) |
Flame Private Pakipo Tabkipo (Pictured Right) |
* | Ordinarily, adventurers can only receive sanction status from the NPC representing their Grand Company. By completing any of the Don't Hate the Messenger quests, however, you will be able to receive the status from a Grand Company outside your affiliation. |