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Guildleves are special passes that allow their bearers to participate in a plethora of different tasks known as levequests, and are issued by the Adventurers’ Guild in each city-state.
In general, there are four different types of levequests: regional, faction, local, and Grand Company. Regional levequests and faction levequests most often involve tasks that take place outside the protective walls of the city-states, such as felling fearsome beasts or locating mineral veins. Local levequests, on the other hand, usually involve some sort of synthesis, and can sometimes be completed without even venturing out into the perilous wilds, while Grand Company levequests are restricted to full-fledged members of the Grand Companies of Eorzea.
To undertake a levequest, a character will need to have a leve allowance. At the beginning of the game, each character possesses eight allowances with four more automatically added every twelve hours (Earth time). A maximum of ninety-nine leve allowances can be held. Players can undertake a levequest by accepting a guildleve, which uses up a single leve allowance. Speak to an NPC at the guild’s leve counter to review how many leve allowances you possess.
The maximum number of guildleves that can be held at once is eight for regional and faction leves and eight for local leves. If you possess the maximum number of guildleves, you can speak to an NPC at the leve counter and exchange* your leves.
You can view which guildleves you are carrying by selecting Journal from the main menu.
If you can successfully complete the levequest objectives, you will receive gil and items as a reward. If you fail the levequest, you can reattempt it by using up a leve allowance. If you would like to reattempt a levequest, select Journal from the main menu and then Retry for the levequest you would like to try over. Regardless of whether a levequest has been completed or failed, you can abandon it by selecting Journal from the main menu and then Abandon for the levequest you would like to abandon.

The timing that leve allowances are added can be checked by selecting Attributes from the main menu and then Timers.
Company leves can be accepted regardless of how many guildleves are in one’s possession. For details on company levequests, please refer to the Grand Company Guide section.
Regional Guildleves
Speak with an NPC at the leve counter of the Adventurers’ Guild (listed below) while carrying a leve allowance to browse the various regional guildleves available. A list of the available guildleves will be displayed according to difficulty. Browse through the various guildleves, reviewing their details and rewards, until you find one to accept. The guildleve list at the guild counter is renewed at the same time that leve allowances are added and that levequests are completed/failed.

The NPCs issuing regional guildleves in each city-state are as follows:

- Piralnaut, of Limsa Lominsa (left)
- Gontrant, of Gridania (center)
- Totonawa, of Ul’dah (right)

Undertaking Regional Levequests
After selecting a guildleve, travel to the aetheryte indicated in the levequest objectives to start the quest. Any players in your party at this time will also be able to participate in the levequest. Party members who possess the same guildleve will not only be able to participate, but also receive any rewards indicated in the levequest objectives (leve linking).
The objectives for completing a levequest will be readily visible in a window throughout the quest’s duration.
Main map and minimap markers will also appear, and can be used to help navigate. Targets will also always have a special icon next to their names, making them easy to recognize. Finally, levequest targets can only be seen by members participating in the quest, so players will never have to worry about their quarry being snatched up by the occasional passerby.
At the successful completion of a regional levequest, an aetherial node will appear. Players can (but are not required to) use this temporary portal to return to the aetheryte where they triggered the quest. It is at this time that they will receive any rewards specified on the guildleve. If a levequest is failed, a node will not appear.
Players who are KO’d during a levequest can continue participating in the quest upon returning to their home point.
Moving to a different area or logging out from FINAL FANTASY XIV during a levequest will result in quest failure for that participant. All other party members can continue with the quest.
Levequest participants include all party members (who are not already participating in another levequest) at the time the guildleve is activated. Changing party makeup after activating a guildleve will not affect a player’s participation status.
Only those participating in a levequest can attack the targets indicated in the quest objectives.
Players may participate in their party leader’s levequest by seeking the quest-triggering aetheryte.

Faction Credits and Faction Leves
Successful completion of a regional levequest will earn you an amount of faction credits based on your performance, as well as contribute to factional influence over a region. Players can exchange credits for access to a special type of regional levequest known as faction leves.
* Players can possess a maximum of 1,000 faction credits
Local Guildleves
Speak with an NPC at the leve counter of the Adventurers’ Guild (listed below) while carrying a leve allowance to browse the various local guildleves available.
There are guildleve lists at the leve counter for each of the Disciple of the Hand classes. Browse through the various guildleves, reviewing their details and rewards, until you find one to accept. The guildleve list at the guild counter is renewed at the same time that leve allowances are added and that levequests are completed/failed.

The NPCs issuing local guildleves in each city-state are as follows:

- T’mokkri, of Limsa Lominsa (left)
- Tierney, of Gridania (center)
- Eustace, of Ul’dah (right)
The materials provided for local levequests are not added to a player’s regular inventory, and are only available for use in completing the requested items indicated on the guildleve. Client NPC locations can be found in the journal or on the map.
After speaking with the client and receiving the materials, the items will appear automatically in the synthesis window after selecting a levequest from the Requested Items menu (see above). Proceed with synthesis (as described in the Synthesis section) to craft the items.
Completed items will not be placed in a player’s inventory. Levequest progress can be followed by viewing the guildleve.
Items made with materials provided by a levequest client cannot be used, sold, or traded.
Speak with the client after fulfilling the request in order to receive payment. Payment will vary based on overall performance.
Leve History Evaluation Bonus
If you have over six leves in your Leve History, you can accept a bonus levequest. Speak to an NPC at the leve counter and select Leve History Evaluation. Depending on the type and number of completed levequests in your journal’s leve history, you will receive a levequest with a special completion bonus.
Accepting a bonus guildleve will clear all levequest data from your journal’s leve history.
Accepting the bonus guildleve issued through the leve history evaluation will use up one leve allowance.
Guild Marks
Guild marks that players received previously as rewards can be traded at guilds in each city for items or gil.
A single guild mark can be traded for four gil.
Guild marks will be abolished in FINAL FANTASY XIV Version 2.0.