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Hamlet Defense
Hamlet Defense
Hamlet defense battles bring numerous players together to combat threats posed by the beast tribes to the safety of the realm. There are two phases to this content: Preparing for Battle (a 50-hour non-combat phase), and Defending the Hamlet (a 25-hour combat phase).

Hamlet Defense Phases
The chart below illustrates how the phases for each hamlet progress, before the cycle is repeated. The participation periods for each hamlet are available at regular intervals.

The amount of time remaining before each hamlet next falls under attack can be viewed on the Timers tab located under Attributes in the main menu.
Preparing for Battle
During the non-combat phase of hamlet defense, players will be asked to contribute to the hamlet’s stockpiles by crafting and delivering several different items. Hamlets begin the phase with a “supply rating” of zero. Each donation to the hamlet militia is converted into points, which are added to the hamlet’s cumulative total. When this total reaches a certain amount, the hamlet’s supply rating will increase. This rating not only determines the strength of the beastmen forces, but also the type of rewards offered during the combat phase. Currently, level 2 is the highest achievable rating.
This phase lasts for 50 hours, and players can contribute to a hamlet’s supply rating as many times as they wish during this period.

Participation and Individual Contributions
Disciples of War and Magic
After joining the ranks of one of the Grand Companies, completing the following caravan escort duties will benefit the corresponding hamlet’s supply rating.
Hyrstmill: Treespeak/North Shroud (22,16), Order of the Twin Adder caravan escort
Aleport: Camp Skull Valley/Western La Noscea (15,18), Maelstrom caravan escort
The Golden Bazaar: Camp Drybone/Eastern Thanalan (39,25), Immortal Flames caravan escort
Supply rating contributions are made in addition to receiving the standard caravan escort rewards. For more information on caravan escort duties, take a look through the Grand Company Guide.

Disciples of the Land and Hand
Delivering items requested by the hamlet militia quartermaster, or any materia-enhanced weapon or piece of gear, will not only contribute to the hamlet’s supply rating, but will also earn you an anima boost based on the type of item donated.
Hamlet Hyrstmill Aleport The Gold Bazaar
Quartermaster Dhebi Polaali B'davzzi P'lhabgo
Location North Shroud (25,13) Western La Noscea (12,23) Eastern Thanalan (38,19)
Defending the Hamlet
After the non-combat phase ends and the hamlet’s supply rating is set, the beast tribes will begin their march. For the next 25 hours, players of all jobs and classes will have multiple opportunities to join the local militia in fending off the invading forces.
All battles are fought within instanced areas. Players will receive rewards for either defeating the beast tribe leader, or protecting at least one of the hamlet’s four supply caches for the duration of the raid.
To lend aid to the defense of a hamlet, players of level 45–50 must speak with the hamlet’s militia captain after the completion of the non-combat phase.
The conditions for participation are outlined below.
Hamlet Hyrstmill Aleport The Gold Bazaar
Militia Captain Rontremont Rhotblaet Carmine
Location North Shroud (25,13) Western La Noscea (12,23) Eastern Thanalan (38,19)
Level Restrictions All Jobs/Classes Lv. 45–50
While there are no restrictions on classes, players cannot change main hand weapons or soul crystals during the battle.
Required Party Size Full (8 members)
Time Limit 30 minutes
Retrying the Battle During the 25-hour combat phase, players can attempt the battle as many times as they wish. They must, however, wait 15 minutes after a victory, and 5 minutes after a defeat before trying again.

Tasks are assigned to players based on their discipline.
War & Magic: Engaging the enemy in direct combat
Hand: Enhancing allied forces via item synthesis
Land: Enfeebling enemy forces via item delivery

Battle Flow
1.  If the 50-hour preparation period is over and the call-to-arms has been sounded, form a party of 8 members and speak with the militia captain to enter the instanced area. Once the instance has been entered, jobs and classes will be locked and players will not be allowed to change their weapons or soul crystals.
2. Once inside the instance, waves of enemies will surge relentlessly towards the hamlet’s supply carts. Keeping an eye on the hamlet defense interface will help you decide the most effective action your class can take in order to repel the invaders.
Disciples of War and Magic must engage the enemy in direct combat, drawing the invaders’ attention away from the unarmed Disciples of the Hand and Land, as well as the lightly guarded supply carts.
Disciples of the Hand can help enhance the militia allies by crafting instruments of warfare with parts found in the hamlet, and then delivering a certain number of completed items to the militia quartermaster. The location of crafting materials is shown on the minimap.
A player can only carry either one crafting part or one completed item at a time.
Players in the process of crafting an item or currently in possession of a completed item will lose the item if attacked.
Disciples of the Land can help weaken the invading beastmen by collecting alchemical pots stored throughout the hamlet and delivering them, intact, to the militia quartermaster. Different pot combinations result in different enfeeblements, so communication with the front lines will be important when determining which type of enfeeblement is required when. The location of alchemical pots is shown on the minimap.
Enfeeblement effects are cast after three pots are delivered—either three of the same type, or three different types.
Only one pot can be carried at a time.
If a player is attacked while carrying a pot, the fragile container will break and the item will be lost.

The Hamlet Defense Interface
The interface in the top left of the screen displays the progression of the battle.

A. Battle title and remaining time
B. Militia battle lines
Icons for militia battle lines that have fallen to the beastmen attack will change to an “x.”
C. Battle strength
Blue represents the hamlet’s forces, while red represents the beastmen’s forces.
D. Hamlet supplies
These icons represent the four supply carts found in the instance. These icons will disappear if the corresponding cart is looted by the beastmen.
E. Alchemical Pots
When a Disciple of the Land delivers an alchemical pot to the quartermaster, the corresponding icon will light up. Once a full row or column of pots has been delivered, an enfeeblement effect will be cast, and the icons will return to a darkened state.

3.  After a certain amount of time, a powerful beast tribe leader will enter the fray. The leader will actively give orders to his soldiers, changing their current focus of attack.
4. Protecting the hamlet’s four supply carts is the militia’s prime objective. The mission is deemed a failure if all four carts are lost.
5.  If the militia is successful in defeating the beast tribe leader or protecting at least one of the carts for the duration of the invasion, the mission is deemed a success and a score based on overall performance is tallied.
6. Speak with the militia captain before leaving the instance to receive payment for services rendered.
Rewards are not only based on performance during the battle, but also on individual contributions to the hamlet’s supply caches during the non-combat phase.
Players are ejected from the instance 5 minutes after the battle is won, so be sure to collect your rewards as soon as possible!
7. Leave the instance by speaking with the militia captain and selecting the relevant option.
During the 25-hour combat phase, the beast tribes will launch continued waves of attack on the hamlet.
Players can join the militia as many times as they wish during this phase, as long as the aforementioned conditions for participation have been met.