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Legatus of the XIVth Legion, the imperial force currently occupying Ala Mhigo, van Baelsar is possessed of a natural flair for wartime command equaled perhaps only by his sensibilities as a governing administrator. Among his numerous accomplishments is the conquest of five enemy cities, the political conversion of which he also oversaw. In subjugating Ala Mhigo, van Baelsar employed subterfuge to stoke the fires of civil unrest, a masterstroke which led to the nation’s capture without the need for a protracted siege. However, the unanticipated appearance of a primal shortly thereafter prompted the Empire to halt the legion’s advance. The legatus has since remained in Ala Mhigo, where he rules as an imperial viceroy.

Motto: He who cannot preserve the sovereignty of his nation is unfit to rule it.
Weapon: Heirsbane—a gunblade said to have spilled the blood of nine aspirants to the crown.

Legatus of the VIIth Legion presently dispatched to the western front, van Darnus boasts distinguished parentage in his sire, a founding figure of the Garlean Empire. A ruthless man who has risen to infamy even among his own people, he draws no distinction betwixt friend and foe when met with dissent. Tales are oft told in hushed whispers of van Darnus’s swift rise to power upon the abrupt death by illness of his sire, whose body had no sooner grown cold than his closest aides were put to death. Dark rumors notwithstanding, the battle prowess of the VIIth Legion is such that, despite its long years in active service, the Empire has deemed it too valuable to be pulled from the frontlines of conquest.

Motto: Opposition must needs be put down with fire and steel.
Weapon: Bradamante—a gunhalberd said to be named for a warrior maiden he slew.